Amalfi Duomo

Amalfi アマルフィ

Access  アクセス

amalfi coast road

アマルフィへは、ナポリから美しい海岸沿いを走るバスがありますが、狭い道幅と急 カーブの多い道なので渋滞もあり、乗り物酔いを避けたいのであれば、近くの町まで列車で移動がお勧めです。 Salerno サレルノからアマルフィへはバスかタクシーで移動、15マイル(約24㎞) .

Following the corniche road on the rocky coast line, amazing Amalfi Coast, local bus service is operating. But traffic congestion may annoy, so it is better to take train to the nearest station such as Salerno. It is 15 miles (24 km) to access to Amalfi by bus or taxi.

The Cathedral of Amalfi  アマルフィ大聖堂


 The Cathedral of Amalfi (Cattedrale di Sant’Andreas) is overlooking the Piazza del Duomo in the heart of Amalfi with wide but steep 62 steps. The relic of apostle Saint Andrews was transferred from Constantinople and enshrined in the basement of the cathedral on 5th May, 1208 shortly after crypt completed.


manna amalfi





  The Feast of Apostle Saint Andrews is 30th November. On this day, after ceremony, the state of Saint Andrews is bringing out the cathedral to keep procession around the town down to the sea side then return to the cathedral all day long.

The relics of Saint Andrews are said to exude a liquid called “Manna” and people are anointed with the liquid which is believed to have miraculous qualities.

Lemon of Amalfi  アマルフィのレモン


アマルフィのレモンは、皮が厚く柔らかく、良い香りが強くてジューシーでサイズも大きいので知られています。 レモンの皮は、世界的に有名な蒸留酒のレモンチェッロに使われます。



The lemons of Amalfi coast area have thick, soft peel. They are large and succulent and strongly scented.

The peel is used to distil the world famous limoncello liqueur which has an intense yellow colour and fruit’s fragrance is exalted and sweetened by the distillation process.

Amalfi Duomo

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