Turin Egypt Museum

Turin  トリノ

Turin Egypt Museum
Turin Egypt Museum

Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio) トリノのエジプト博物館


トリノのエジプト博物館は、エジプトのカイロにあるエジプト考古学博物館に次ぐ規模を誇る美術品を収蔵しています。 エジプトの神々の彫像が迎えてくれます。

The Egyptian Museum in Turin is archeological museum housing one of the largest collection of Egyptian antiquities second to the museum in Cairo, Egypt. Egyptian gods are welcoming at the entrance.

聖骸布(英語ではHoly Shroud、イタリア語ではSindone)は、キリスト教でいう聖遺物の一つで、イエス・キリストが磔にされて死んだ後、その遺体を包んだとされる布。

これまでに複数あったといわれ、トリノの聖ヨハネ大聖堂に保管されている「トリノの聖骸布」が、本物であると信じる学者も多く、研究発表も行われています。10年毎に一般公開され、カトリック教会の大聖年、2000年に公開、その後2002年に修復作業が施され、修復された聖骸布は、2010年、2015年にも一般公開されました。 展示は常時されてはいませんが、レプリカが聖骸布博物館で展示されています。


Shroud turin

Holy Shroud in English (Shindone in Italian) is one of the relics in Christianity, this Shroud has been considered to wrap the body of Jesus Christ after he was crucified to be dead.

“Shroud of Turin” is stored at St. John’s Cathedral in Turin, and it has been disputed which period this cloth is made in.

Recent intervention underwent in 2002, this restoration carried out the new finds by professor Flurry Lemberg (textile expert) The cloth is much older than 14century going back to the age of Jesus.

It has been disputed which period this cloth was made in. Recent intervention underwent in 2002, this restoration carried out the new finds by professor Flurry Lemburg (textile ex pert). The cloth is much older than 14 century going back to the age of Jesus.


Professor Avinoam Danim of Hebrew University explained that researching with this shroud, newly found the Pollens which only grow in the specific area around the Dead Sea only at the region between Hebron and Jerusalem.




Many of the stains on the Sudarium match those on the head portion of the Shroud. And both the Sudarium and the Shroud confirmed that the blood stains on both cloths were of the same type: AB, a common blood type among Middle Eastern people but fairly rare among medieval Europeans.

city of oviedo


Pollen residues on both the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium provide strong evidence that the both were at one point in the specific area as referred before.


スペイン北部に所蔵されているこの「セダリアン(Sudarium) 」といわれる聖なる布とは、「汗を拭く布=大判のハンカチ」という意味で、魂が血液と一緒に流失しないようにする為に、出血した頭部を布で包む習慣が、当時のイスラエルにあったといわれています。

The Sudarium (Latin for sweat cloth) is kept in the Camara Santa of the Cathedral of San Salvador in the town of Oviedo, north of Spain.

Turin Egypt Museum

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